
ORSA MAC I Class 99-05

For a guy who hasn't had an extensive background in mathematics, and who majored in Electronic's Technology in college, receiving my certificate of completion was a MAJOR accomplishment!!! I probably worked harder in that course, than in the entire 4 years I went to college! For those who were mathematics Majors, or took Business courses with Math backgrounds, this course will be a little challenging, but nothing that you cant handle (so Im told!!)

ORSA MAC class

CPT Karl Gingrich, CPT Lewis Poole, Mr. Andrew Gross, 1 LT Ender Servinc (Turkey)

Mr. Mark Schairbaum, Mr. Danny Champion, MAJ Mc, CPT Paulo Montiero (Portugal), Me

Dr. Clor, MAJ Jerry Walters, CPT Mike Shultz, Ms. Sharon Williams

Its not all work and no play. You WILL have SOME time on the weekends to get out and enjoy yourself !! Here Mark and Mike have taken a trip to the Mountains of western Virginia and West Virginia for some mountain biking.

The BACK ROW "Go Michigan !!"

"Dont mess with Texas"

. Here is the infamous "Back Row" of class 99-05!!