Scouting Pictures

All of us are involved in Scouting. Charlotte is a Girl Scout Leader, I am a Cub Scout Leader, we both work with the Ft Knox Scouting Community, and all of the kids are Scouts

Both GS &BS 1

Both GS & BS 3

Both GS & BS 2

Both GS & BS 4

Scouts around a campfire Both GS & BS 5 Day Camp 03
Girl Scouts 1 Girl Scouts 2 Girl Scouts 3 Father Daughter Dance 03 Flag Day 03
Cub Scouts 1 Cub Scouts 2 Cub Scouts 3 Cub Scouts 4 Cub Scouts 5
GS Trp 1312 GS Trp 464 Girl Scouts 4 Girl Scouts 5  
Boy Scout Troop 1717 - 06        

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